5 Best Excel Courses on Coursera You Must Know

3 min readJan 22, 2024


Ready to rock Excel like a pro? Coursera’s got the perfect courses for you, and they’re super easy to follow. Let’s break down the 5 best courses for Excel beginners and make your spreadsheet dreams come true.

1. Excel Skills for Business Specialization

What You’ll Love:

  • From Zero to Hero: Perfect for beginners with no Excel experience.
  • Hands-On Projects: Practical projects make learning feel like a breeze.
  • Comprehensive Journey: Takes you from basics to advanced skills.

What to Consider:

  • Paced Learning: Some might find the pace a bit slow, especially if you’re already familiar with basic Excel functions.
  • Basic Projects: Projects might be too simplistic for those craving complex challenges.

2. Everyday Excel Specialization

What You’ll Love:

  • Efficiency Boost: Great for speeding up your daily Excel tasks.
  • Easy-to-Follow Tricks: Tips and tricks are beginner-friendly.
  • Macro Magic: Automation skills save time and effort.

What to Consider:

  • Limited Depth: If you’re seeking advanced formulas and functions, this might not be the most comprehensive course.
  • Macro Learning Curve: Some users find macros a bit tricky at first.

3. Excel Skills for Data Analytics and Visualization Specialization

What You’ll Love:

  • Data Cleanup Guru: Ideal for those wanting to tidy up messy data.
  • Visual Storytelling: Turns data into engaging charts and graphs.
  • Real-World Application: Projects mimic professional scenarios.

What to Consider:

  • Statistical Light: May not delve deep into advanced statistical analysis.
  • Visualization Overload: For some, the focus on visualization might overshadow other critical data analysis aspects.

4. Excel/VBA for Creative Problem Solving Specialized Course

What You’ll Love:

  • VBA Superpowers: Unleashes the power of Visual Basic for Applications.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Tackles complex issues with a problem-solving mindset.
  • Customization Mastery: Building user forms adds a personal touch to your work.

What to Consider:

  • VBA Learning Curve: Some users find VBA a bit challenging at first.
  • Limited Advanced VBA: May not cover extremely advanced VBA topics for seasoned programmers.

5. Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization

What You’ll Love:

  • Data Integration: Bridges Excel with a powerful database tool.
  • Database Design: Teaches the basics of organizing data systematically.
  • Advanced Analytics: Combines Excel and MySQL for robust data analysis.

What to Consider:

  • MySQL Learning Curve: If you’re new to databases, the MySQL part might be a bit challenging.
  • Focused Scope: Limited to analytics; doesn’t cover MySQL’s full potential.

Also, Read-> 8 Best Coursera Courses For Excel You Must Know

Tips for a Smooth Excel Journey

  • Be Patient: Learning Excel takes time; don’t rush it.
  • Seek Help Online: Online communities are fantastic for troubleshooting and getting tips.
  • Real-World Practice: Apply your skills to real projects for a hands-on understanding.

So, armed with the pros and cons, dive into these courses wisely. They might not be perfect, but they’ll get you closer to Excel greatness!

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Hi, I am Aqsa Zafar, a Ph.D. scholar in Data Mining. My research topic is “Depression Detection from Social Media via Data Mining”.